Products to alleviate or eliminate discomfort and diseases, such as corn remedies, athlete's foot remedies and nail fold tinctures are classified as medical foot care. Products for cleaning, treating, and deodorizing the feet are cosmetic foot care products. Foot creams and foot balms treat, disinfect, and deodorize the skin and support massage. In addition to cleansing and refreshing, foot baths serve to promote circulation, deodorize, and soften calluses.
Exfoliating creams enable gentle removal of calluses. Deodorants and antiperspirants in the form of sprays, creams or even baths serve to control and reduce odor problems. Foot powders have an antiperspirant effect, protect against odor, absorb moisture. In foot creams, it is not uncommon to find the herbal ingredient lavender, which is considered particularly refreshing and odor-neutralizing.
Including foot bath, nail cutting & treatment, corn, dead skin & callus removal, cream application.
per treatment
Foot bath, care, peeling, massage & varnish
per treatment
Perfectly painted toenails
per treatment
A wellness and care experience for your hands and feet
per treatment

Including foot bath & cream
per treatment
Footbath, care
per treatment
For ingrown nails
per treatment
Cosmetic care and treatment of hands
per treatment