Find relief from your ailments or simply relax in today's stressful world with the holistic, Asian therapy of traditional Thai relaxation massage. During this massage, all joints are passively mobilized, and muscles are stretched. This causes a dissolution of blockages that impede the natural flow of life energy. The traditional Thai massage is also called passive yoga because the client is brought into different yoga positions without his intervention. On the physical level, this massage primarily causes a reduction of tension, hardening and muscle shortening.
It stimulates the self-healing powers and promotes the body's detoxification and elimination processes. Furthermore, circulation and metabolic processes are positively influenced. However, the holistic approach also works on the mental and spiritual level. It brings the client to rest, allows him to find his balance and thus causes regeneration and balancing of the vegetative nervous system.
Your senses and soul will thank you. You should be worth it. We live the Asian service tradition, fulfill a high quality standard and pay special attention to your needs. Experience the difference.
Experience pure relaxation with our single massages. Discover our one-on-one massages now and feel like reborn.
Our combinations of traditional massages such as Thai, hot stone, aromatherapy and herbal stamp massages provide an unforgettable experience.